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What Is Food?

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What Is Food?

Every time science thinks they have it all figured out, mother nature/higher power/God (or whatever you call it), puts a twist into what people think they know. How many times do pharmaceuticals and supplements get taken off the market? How often do our food recommendations keep changing? This is just plain old confusing, and at times, pretty unethical! All of these are partially the reason why obesity rates have skyrocketed in the past decade. Now, you should know that food gives you energy, vitamins and minerals (to be vague), but there’s way more to the story, which science may never fully understand.



On March 1, 1905, a 26 year-old patent clerk named Albert Einstein proved that everything is made up of energy through his theory of relativity, E=mc2. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, including every cell and every atom in your body. These atoms are made up of 99.99999% energy and only 00.00001% physical substance. Therefore, choosing quality foods that provide you with good energy will increase both your health and metabolism for the long-run.


Stanford School of Medicine Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine division explains, “Every one of us completely regenerates our own skin every 7 days. A cut heals itself and disappears in a week or two. Every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every 7 years.”  What gives you the energy and nutrients in order to do this? Food.  Your body breaks down every piece of food that you eat and makes it a part of you! If you eat something that is alive like a salad, it’s a “live food,” which creates health and life from within; increasing your metabolism and accelerating fat-loss. What happens if you eat a processed “food-like product” like a bag of chips? Well, it’s lifeless because of its poor quality, old age, and exposure to heat and oxygen! You should know that lifeless, processed foods impede healing and actually damage your body.


*Lifeless – devoid of any living energy and nutrients. I think of a can of tuna that is 2 years old compared to fresh tuna that’s two days old.



When I refer to some foods as “food-like products” it’s because they‘re processed to a point where many experts believe that they technically shouldn’t be classified as food anymore.


When you break it all down, these “food-like products” really are old and/or altered foods with poor quality that cause your healthy metabolism to downgrade at a rapid rate! This just makes it so much harder to recover and repair your metabolism, but it’s definitely still possible.


In addition, these “food-like products” could have been genetically modified organisms (GMO) in laboratories and deemed safe to consume by food “experts.” Unbelievable, I know, but it’s happening everywhere around us. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released a position paper stating that “GMO foods pose a serious health risk.”1 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first GMO in 1982. Since they have only been around for such a short period of time, the long-term effects have yet to be determined, begging the question, are these foods actually safe to eat? Personally, I will not touch them, so I recommend the same to you!


Think About This: Currently, there are 26 countries that classify GMOs as illegal.2 The United States is NOT one of them.



Imagine being a cow in a factory farm with thousands of others, crammed into a tiny space, never seeing the light of day, fed the incorrect types of food like genetically modified corn and processed soy (both cause inflammation), pumped with hormones to accelerate growth and drinking water that is polluted with antibiotics that harm your gut microbiome. What type of information is that cow passing along to your genes? Like every human, every food has a story to tell. As humans, if we were put into these same conditions, we would become extremely weak and ill, which is exactly what is happening to these animals. What we eat becomes us, so choosing a strong, healthy source of food will only benefit your body by providing it good energy and information.


*Gut microbiome – the communal genomes of microorganisms that reside in the gastrointestinal system, which is directly related to our health and metabolism.


This is just another reason why I harp so much on quality, because every piece of food you put in your mouth is energy and information transferred into your body. Choosing quality foods will provide you with quality energy, orchestrating a healthy molecular message to every cell in your body, providing the tools for a plethora of health benefits such as fat loss, increased strength and more energy!


Now, when choosing your food, think “real” or “unprocessed” foods, whether they are fresh or frozen, and always ask yourself how old it is. The older the food, the less nutrients it has. Therefore, you should always opt for locally grown and raised foods, which are best. Frozen food can, in fact, be flash frozen immediately when it’s ready to be harvested. So believe it or not, this means some frozen foods can actually be “fresher” than fresh food, but make sure it’s quality food. You can tell if the frozen produce is high quality by searching for a USDA Organic stamp on the package.


*Real food – food that came from Mother Nature, which provides you with all the energy and nutrients your body needs in order to sustain health; nothing that is manmade or artificial.


*Fresh food – food that is not preserved, tampered with, dehydrated, frozen or smoked.


Take the guesswork out of nutrition and make your appointment with Dr. Kunkel today! Email us at support@jackkunkel.com


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Dr. Jack Kunkel offers alternative medical services that provides custom and effective solutions for your body and mind by using a three-step strategic approach based on key pillars such as nutrition, exercise, and herbs & whole food supplements.

